Continuum of Care, Inc.’s mission is to enable people who are challenged with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, addiction, or homelessness to rebuild a meaningful life and thrive in the community.
Craig's Story
I'd lost my way in what life really means, so I lost hope," says Craig. Struggling with anxiety, undiagnosed PTSD, and alcohol abuse, the Air Force veteran sought help through the VA and was eventually referred to Continuum’s Veterans Support Recovery Program for his first stay. There, he was stabilized and finally put on proper medication. Life was good for Craig after he left.
Eventually, however, life’s unpredictable stressors – financial and familial – triggered a relapse. By then, he had stopped taking anxiety medication because things were going well and he thought he didn’t need it. Craig began having severe panic attacks and other physical symptoms that scared him. His ability to cope disappeared, so he knew where he had to go to get back to himself.
“This place is a haven. There’s no stress or tension,” Craig says of Continuum’s Veterans Support Recovery Program. Living with other veterans who understand what he is going through is therapeutic. We are all trying to heal together through common experiences. And the staff are approachable, ready to offer feedback or help whenever needed. I can’t count how many conversations I’ve had that were an hour long or longer with the staff members here. They’re fantastic.”
Living in this safe, calm, and supported environment enables Craig to focus on the daily classes he takes at his substance abuse day program, work on his coping skills, connect with clinicians, and gives him solid footing to re-enter the real world. Staff have helped him find work and education resources as well as helped him develop post-discharge plans to keep him connected to supports in the community.
Craig is leaving feeling optimistic. He looks forward to going back to school for emergency medical services, and finding meaningful work that he enjoys. “I feel hope returning to life beyond here. I feel a sense of purpose, and life is great. I now tell my fellow veterans to just keep trudging along until you can grab that brass ring of hope. I’m feeling it here.”