Mental Health Waiver Program


The Mental Health Waiver Program, operated by the Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services and the Department of Social Services (DSS), for Medicaid individuals with serious mental illness who either live in a nursing home, are at risk of going into, or are already residing in a nursing home care facility. This program is designed to promote independence by assisting individuals with maintaining their own homes with support services. It encourages the use of existing natural supports, teaches and strengthens activities of daily living skills, and fosters involvement in social and community activities. 
Key components:

  • 24-hour supports
  • Person-centered recovery planning
  • Community Support Program (CSP): a flexible team approach to community rehabilitation services and supports  
  • Recovery Assistant (RA): a homemaker, companion, personal care, and in-home respite service designed to help the individual maintain his or her own home
  • Transitional Case Management (TCM): services provided during the weeks prior to and immediately following discharge from a nursing home to help locate and set up a suitable living arrangement; TCM is also provided if an individual is expected to have a long-term hospital stay to help facilitate transition back into the community
  • Rental Assistance Program (RAP) certificates provided through DSS

Continuum of Care, Inc.’s mission is to enable people who are challenged with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, addiction, or homelessness to rebuild a meaningful life and thrive in the community.