What Continuum is Doing About Coronavirus
Thursday, March 19, 2020
A Message From Our President
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At Continuum of Care, our clients’ and employees’ health and wellbeing are our top priority.
We are deeply concerned and engaged and we have been proactive in our attempts to stay on top of the COVID-19 situation and in protecting all those within the Continuum community and family.
Please be assured that we are taking aggressive actions to mitigate risks and prevent exposure to everyone, including clients, staff, families, and the community.
Here are some of the steps we have taken:
- Continuously monitoring the information provided and following the guidance and recommendations from local, state/provincial and federal health agencies on COVID-19.
- Fully stocked and distributed sanitation supplies, including soap, disinfectants and gloves to all locations, as well as sanitation packets for all of our vehicles.
- Distributed instructions on regular disinfecting, handwashing, social distancing, and hygiene have been to all locations, and managers are monitoring these practices regularly.
- Educating clients on sanitation, handwashing, and reducing risks, and provided them with associated supplies.
- Limited or restricted visitation to our houses and, and ask clients to stay in place as much as possible.
- Utilize COVID-19/respiratory disease screening and prevention protocols upon assessments prior to admission and throughout course of treatment for clients and loved ones.
- Employ telemedicine for psychiatric treatment to replace in-person visits.
- Continue high quality direct care and exercise creative ways to engage clients in positive and healthy activities.
- Discontinued day programs for clients to reduce potential contamination.
- Instituted and implemented strict policy ensuring that staff who report symptoms similar to those of COVID-19 are not permitted in our locations, and are quarantined for 14 days and only permitted back to work with a physician’s written approval.
- Ensure that any client exhibiting symptoms of illness will be quarantined in his or her residence, unless symptoms (such as fever) warrant going to the hospital.
- Continuum’s senior leadership meet daily to assess the current situation, client and employee needs, and city, state, and federal recommendations and guidelines, and we are taking immediate action accordingly.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may do so directly through one of our program staff, or fill out the contact form on our website, and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
We will continue to keep you informed as new information unfolds.
These are enormously trying times, and like all businesses, nonprofits, and individuals, we feel the tremendous seriousness and strain on many levels, physical and mental health, as well as financial wellbeing. We are here to support all those in our circle, and we also greatly appreciate your support.
Thank you,
Patti L. Walker
President & CEO
And the entire Continuum Family
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