Continuum of Care, Inc.’s mission is to enable people who are challenged with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, addiction, or homelessness to rebuild a meaningful life and thrive in the community.
Legacy Planned Giving
There are a variety of creative ways that you can leave a lasting impact on some of the most vulnerable individuals in our community through Legacy Planned Giving.
Legacy Planned Giving Options:
• Continuum Legacy Society
• Bequests
• Charitable Gift Annuity
• Charitable Lead Trust
• Charitable Remainder Trusts
• Life Insurance
• Retirement Plans
• Appreciated Stock
• Real Estate
Making charitable contributions is an art – a creative process that adapts to the changing needs and wishes of the donor. Planned or legacy giving is an increasingly popular way for individuals to make charitable gifts, enabling a donor to arrange charitable contributions in ways that maximize his or her personal objectives.
There are a variety of plans designed to ensure a gift will be put to the best possible use and fit your financial needs and objectives. Continuum of Care, Inc. has listed some options you might consider when making your giving decisions.
Depending upon the assets and the gift option selected, you can expect to obtain some or all of the following benefits:
• Fulfill philanthropic goals
• Reduce income tax through a deduction for the gift
• Avoid capital gain tax on the gifts of long-term appreciated property
• Retain a stream of payments for life for the donor and other beneficiaries
• Increase disposable income
• Eliminate federal estate tax on property passing to charity upon donor’s death
• Reduce cost and time in estate settlement
We encourage you to consult your Legal and Financial Planning Advisors for specific details on real estate and annuities. We can also help you connect with our Foundation Advisors for additional assistance.
To learn more about ways you can create a legacy of support for Continuum of Care, Inc., contact our Vice President of Development at 203.562.2264 x236.